Development of Prepaid Energy Meter using Internet of Things (IoT)


The aim of the project is to minimize the queue at the energy meter billing counters and to restrict the usage of energy meters automatically, if the bill is not paid. The energy meter will provide the pulse as long as they have units remaining. With a certain amount fixed per unit, the user can prepay for the number of units they require. The GSM technology is used so that the consumer would receive messages about the consumption of power and if it reaches the minimum amount, it would automatically alert the consumer to recharge. 


In the present context, electricity has been as important as food to us. Every object or appliance that we use in our daily life is directly operated by electricity. Most of us use electricity unnecessarily as well because we are not monitoring the usage and calculating it properly. When consumers will use the IoT based prepaid energy meter that will monitor their usage and they will be able to see how many units are used and how many units remain unused. As it is a prepaid system, the customers will know how many units can be used. When the number of unit decreases and is about to end, a warning message is sent to the user via GSM module. In the case of non-payment, the supplier can cut off the supply at any time. It is based on the prepaying system and provides the bill after every complete use to the user.

In the modern era, particularly within the industrial landscape, a persistent challenge has emerged wherein industries often delay their electricity bill payments, even in the presence of established penalty mechanisms. This issue underscores the necessity for a novel approach that can ensure timely payments. In response to this need, the implementation of a prepaid energy metering system becomes imperative. As a feasible resolution, the integration of an Internet of Things (IoT) based system interconnected to the internet offers a pragmatic solution. This not only facilitates centralized billing but also enhances user convenience by providing real-time insights into energy utilization patterns. Drawing inspiration from these concerns and potential solutions, the present project, titled “Smart Pre-paid Based Energy Meter System,” explores the utilization of Arduino technology to develop an innovative framework addressing these challenges and culminating in a more efficient energy management paradigm.


  • Develop a user friendly pay-before-using system that is reliable to the users.
  • Promote proper usage and monitoring of energy usage.


Team Members

Dr. Kamal Chapagain
Assistant Professor
DoEEE, Kathmandu University

Project Member
Varsha S Madhikarmy
Kathmandu University

Project Member
 Rasmita Malego
Kathmandu University

Project Member
 Simran Pokharel
Kathmandu University

Project Member
Sagun Rai
Kathmandu University

Project Member
 Anjali Shah
Kathmandu University